Unique People

Unique MEssage

Unique Opportunities

God has hand-crafted every one of us to accomplish specific things he has prepared for us to do (Eph. 2:10). Everything about you--your age, ethnicity, language, sex, talents, experiences, past or present struggles, friends, work, or family situation are all what make you uniquely you. That means you were made and positioned intentionally by Jesus to reach people that perhaps no one else could reach.

So rather than create broad, large group programs to reach people in our community, which can often be generic and impersonal, we invest in each individual to find out how God has made you and how God has positioned you to reach people with his unique gospel. We then offer training and support in those efforts, so each person feels equipped to share the good news of Jesus!

  • Personal Pastor Coaching

    Our pastor makes time to work with each of individually to answer questions, develop strategies, and encourage us as we try to reach others. 

  • Growing in Grace and Knowledge

    Growing in Grace and Knowledge is a weekly small group Bible study that is regularly offered at our church. The study aims to train Christians in knowing what God's Word says and how to apply it to others. 

  • Christian Leadership Training Nights

    Approximately every quarter, we have a night dedicated to training our members in how to be the Church in their community. This includes food, a presentation, and follow-up discussion.